Only 1% differently-abled children in India have access to education; AI can be a game changer

Only 1% differently-abled children in India have access to education; AI can be a game changer

ICTpost Media Action A report by ICTpost says, only 1% of the 15 million differently-abled children in India have access to education. This means a vast majority, millions of children, are missing out on their right to education due to disability. AI has the potential to revolutionize the way disabled children with learning disabilities access […]

5 Pillars of Trustworthy AI Models

5 Pillars of Trustworthy AI Models

By ICTpost AI Academy AI has the power to significantly impact individuals, communities, and society as a whole, and it is imperative to ensure that this impact is positive, ethical, and beneficial for everyone. AI models are trained on data, and that data can contain biases. If not addressed, these biases can lead to discriminatory […]

पीटर हिग्स- ब्रह्मांड की रचना को समझने में मदद करने वाले महान वैज्ञानिक

पीटर हिग्स- ब्रह्मांड की रचना को समझने में मदद करने वाले महान वैज्ञानिक

आईसीटी पोस्ट साइंस टीम:आठ अप्रैल, 2024 को नोबेल पुरस्कार विजेता वैज्ञानिक पीटर हिग्स का 94 वर्ष की आयु में निधन हो गया. उन्हें गॉड पार्टिकल की खोज के लिए जाना जाता है, जिसने यह समझाने में मदद की थी कि बिग बैंग के बाद सृष्टि की रचना कैसे हुई। हिग्स-बोसोन सिद्धांत के लिए उन्हें संयुक्त […]

कैसे रखी गई जेनेटिक इंजीनियरिंग और जीन थैरेपी की नींव — जेनेटिक इंजीनियरिंग में पहला प्रयोग

कैसे रखी गई जेनेटिक इंजीनियरिंग और जीन थैरेपी की नींव — जेनेटिक इंजीनियरिंग में पहला प्रयोग

आईसीटी पोस्ट हेल्थ टीम साल 1969 में वैज्ञानिक हरबर्ट बायर ने विशेष रूप से उपयोगी गुणों वाले ई. कोलाई जीवाणु के कुछ restriction enzymes पर अध्ययन किया. बॉयर ने देखा कि इन एंजाइमों में एक खास तरीके से डीएनए स्ट्रैंड को काटने की क्षमता होती है जिससे स्ट्रैंड पर ‘चिपचिपा सिरा’ बन जाता है. आणविक […]

Big problems that AI can solve in India

Big problems that AI can solve in India

ICTpost Governance Bureau AI has the potential to bring new waves of innovation and economic progress and drive knowledge on a scale we haven’t seen before. Here, we are providing amazing AI solutions that can solve India’s problems. 3.HealthcareIndia has very poor Healthcare Access and Quality Index, even it’s behind Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The […]

The Synergistic Dance: AI, Blockchains, Energy, Robotics, and Genomics Are Reshaping Our World

The Synergistic Dance: AI, Blockchains, Energy, Robotics, and Genomics Are Reshaping Our World

New Delhi: 20 February, 2024 The world is on the cusp of a transformative era, fueled by the convergence of several groundbreaking technologies. Artificial intelligence (AI), public blockchains, energy storage advancements, robotics, and multiomic sequencing are no longer isolated innovations, but rather, a powerful orchestra playing in perfect harmony. Their combined influence is shaping the […]

Digital India on the back of AI is the future of e-governance in India

Digital India on the back of AI is the future of e-governance in India

New Delhi: August 3, 2023 E-governance, or electronic governance, leverages information and communication technologies to enhance the efficiency, accessibility, and transparency of government services.By embracing e-governance, governments can transform their service delivery models, making them more citizen-centric, efficient, and responsive to the evolving needs of society. It’s a crucial step towards building a modern, digital […]

Why BYOD will take over energy sector in India

Why BYOD will take over energy sector in India

ICTpost Energy Bureau The potential for BYOD to influence the energy sector can be considered in the context of broader trends in technology adoption. Here are several factors that could contribute to the increased use of BYOD in the energy sector: Cost Efficiency: BYOD allows employees to use their personal devices for work purposes, reducing […]

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