Nature Governments that ignore or delay acting on scientific advice are missing out on a crucial opportunity to control the pandemic. Last week, Brazil’s total death toll from COVID-19 passed 400,000. In India, the pandemic is taking around 3,500 lives every day and has prompted a global response, with offers of oxygen, ventilators, intensive-care beds […]
New Delhi: May 1, 2021 Reuters India’s total COVID-19 cases passed 18 million on Thursday after another world record number of daily infections, as gravediggers worked around the clock to bury victims and hundreds more were cremated in makeshift pyres in parks and parking lots. India reported 379,257 new infections and 3,645 new deaths on […]
ICTpost mHealth Bureau Centuries of ignorance, suppression, gender and caste discrimination have erected strong cultural barriers to information sharing and dissemination. And yet we say that India lives in her villages. However, it is indeed heartening to note that India is among those developing nations where the progress in e-Health has been encouraging, despite the […]
ICTpost News Network A study from the University of Victoria is suggesting that our atmosphere is far more susceptible to a runaway greenhouse effect than previously assumed. The phenomenon occurs when a planet absorbs more solar energy than it can give off in return. That causes surface water to evaporate, fill the atmosphere with steam, […]
ICTpost Health IT Bureau One of the most significant impacts of the ongoing information revolution has been in the health sector. In the field of health care, ICTs have emerged as key instruments in solving many of the most pressing problems. ICT has helped to bridge the gap between the provider and seeker through telemedicine […]
By Dr. Dinesh K. Tyagi, CEO-CSC SPV CSCs have become an instrument of change, especially for empowering rural citizens through the use of digital technologies. With the support of present Government, CSCs are now influencing almost all walks of rural life and promoting a digitally inclusive society. The CSC entrepreneur is now well recognized, respected […]
ICT Post has announced winners for the 3rd edition of South Asia Education Summit Award 2017. Started in year 2014 with the help of UNESCO, South Asia Education Summit Award is a dedicated platform to explore the latent potential of innovation in education sector across 8 countries in South Asia: India, Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, […]
New York, Feb 4: The widespread belief that radiations from X-rays and CT scans can cause cancer has flaws and is based on an unproven theoretical model, suggests a study. To estimate cancer risk from low-dose radiation, scientists used a model known as linear no-threshold (LNT) in the study published in American Journal of Clinical […]
( PM Narendra Modi’s speech at The Global Business Summit: Excerpts) Entrepreneurship is one of India’s traditional strengths. It was sad to see it neglected in the last few years. “Business” and “profits” had become bad words. We have changed that. We need to value enterprise and hard work, not wealth. Our programs ranging from […]
Jan 29, 2016: New DELHI: UGC has written to all universities to put in place a “student counselling system” for redressal of problems and challenges faced by students in the backdrop of massive outrage over the suicide by a dalit research scholar in Hyderabad University. This system should be interactive and target-oriented, involving students, teachers […]