ICTpost Governance Bureau Compared to the infancy years for cloud computing alone, the Internet of Things concept is gaining acceptance far quicker, says a report of the Economist’s Intelligence Unit and published by ARM. After surveying 779 senior business leaders from 19 different industries around the world, the Economist revealed that a staggering 75 percent […]
ICTpost Governance Bureau The consumer technology model in India is now penetrating, and beginning to transform, the corporation in a significant way. This new IT architecture, which we call the SMAC stack (for social, mobile, analytics and cloud), is enabling the creation of hyper-intelligent software platforms. Indian companies are investing heavily in Social networks, Mobile […]
By ICTpost Media Action Bureau Lack of accurate and timely information has always plagued the MIS of large scale government operations. Cloud Telephony and IVRS (Interactive Voice Response System) based Daily Monitoring System (DMS) has been devised by Mid Day Meal Authority, in Indian state Uttar Pradesh as a solution to these impediments. The Initiative […]
New Delhi: July 15, 2017 As the country’s estimated $150 billion IT services industry is becoming the world’s favoured outsourcing centre, India is emerging as a popular destination for cyber data theft and may witness growing activity of hackers. Data theft is one of the biggest risks posed before the companies in the banking sector. […]
By Konstantinos Komaitis, Policy Advisor at the Internet Society Accessibility is a key issue. Accessibility should be at this stage and as we start discussing today those issues just bear in mind accessibility is — means notice crime nation in terms of access at a very high level and also issues of inclusiveness. It’s quite […]
ICTpost Education Bureau The combination of broadband, cheaper laptops and iPad-style tablet computers is putting online teaching services into the mainstream. We can learn a lot with South Korea in this context. The country is one of the world’s highest-rated education systems, aims to consolidate its position by digitising its entire curriculum. By 2015, it […]
New Delhi: June 18, 2017 Credit flows to agriculture under Priority Sector Lending-PSL display considerable seasonality not explained by cropping patterns. The Task Force on Credit Related Issues of Farmers, in its report submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, in 2010, observed that while month-wise credit disbursement patterns should have been in […]
ICTpost Governance Bureau When the focus on e-Governance started in the late nineties in India, the Internet connectivity was abysmally poor. In rural India, there was practically no such connectivity. Therefore a significant amount of e-Governance focus was on connectivity and especially on setting up rural Internet kiosks, a shared access center, where the rural […]
By Gartner New Delhi: Feb 10, 2016 Widespread failures in realizing return on investment (ROI) in digital technologies for customer experience could create a sense of distrust among buyers and decision makers in India about the potential for digital business, according to Gartner, Inc. Gartner predicts that by 2017, 80 percent of consumer-facing companies will […]
World Health Organisation The World Health Organization rang a global alarm over the Zika virus, saying that the disease was spreading explosively in the Americas and that as many as four million people could be infected by the end of the year. WHO Director-General, Margaret Chan, will convene an International Health Regulations Emergency Committee on […]