आईसीटी पोस्ट हेल्थ टीमक्या आप जानते हैं कि दुनिया भर में कोविड के दौरान करोडों लोगों की जान बचाने वाली वैक्सीन mRNA तकनीक पर आधारित थी. इसी वजह से साल 2023 में मेडिसिन के लिए नोबेल पुरस्कार कैटलिन कारिको और ड्रू वीसमैन को दिया गया. उन्होंने ऐसी तकनीक विकसित की थी जिससे एमआरएनए कोविड वैक्सीन […]
ICTpost Governance Bureau AI has the potential to bring new waves of innovation and economic progress and drive knowledge on a scale we haven’t seen before. Here, we are providing amazing AI solutions that can solve India’s problems. 3.HealthcareIndia has very poor Healthcare Access and Quality Index, even it’s behind Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The […]
ICTpost Secure IT Bureau: March 8, 2024 The future of cyber threats includes an increasing prominence of AI-based threats. As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies continue to advance, both defenders and attackers are leveraging these capabilities in the cybersecurity landscape. Some examples are- Sophisticated Phishing Attacks, AI-Enhanced Malware, Deepfakes and Manipulated Content. […]
By Dhirendra Pratap Singh Generative AI is bringing high-quality services and offerings within the reach of all people, making them reap the benefits of an innovative, inclusive, and tech-backed experience. Generative AI has the potential to trim the fat from traditional healthcare scene in India. Skyrocketing costs, inefficiencies in drug development and healthcare delivery are […]
ICTpost eHealth Team The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare has been groundbreaking, reshaping the way we diagnose, treat and monitor patients. This technology is drastically improving healthcare research and outcomes by producing more accurate diagnoses and enabling more personalized treatments. By leveraging artificial intelligence in hospital settings and clinics, healthcare systems can become […]
New Delhi: 20 February, 2024 The world is on the cusp of a transformative era, fueled by the convergence of several groundbreaking technologies. Artificial intelligence (AI), public blockchains, energy storage advancements, robotics, and multiomic sequencing are no longer isolated innovations, but rather, a powerful orchestra playing in perfect harmony. Their combined influence is shaping the […]
New Delhi: August 3, 2023 E-governance, or electronic governance, leverages information and communication technologies to enhance the efficiency, accessibility, and transparency of government services.By embracing e-governance, governments can transform their service delivery models, making them more citizen-centric, efficient, and responsive to the evolving needs of society. It’s a crucial step towards building a modern, digital […]
New Delhi: August 3, 2023 e-Government efforts to disseminate information, deliver services, complaints and grievances are now spreading the use of mobile and wireless technologies and creating a new direction: mobile government (m-government). m-Government is a subset of e-Government, which helps public information and government services available anytime anywhere to citizens and officials. The public […]
By Dhirendra Pratap Singh With the consensus that has emerged in the country on the need to adopt e-Governance for the convenience of citizens as well as for many other reasons like access, speed, efficiency and so on, the time has now come to start the process of formulating an e-Governance law. Some of the […]
ICTpost Energy Bureau The potential for BYOD to influence the energy sector can be considered in the context of broader trends in technology adoption. Here are several factors that could contribute to the increased use of BYOD in the energy sector: Cost Efficiency: BYOD allows employees to use their personal devices for work purposes, reducing […]