SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) is recasting Indian IT industry

Companies investing in data mining and analysis technologies as analytics combined with a comprehensive social media strategy will improve customer service and reduce costs
Companies investing in data mining and analysis technologies as analytics combined with a comprehensive social media strategy will improve customer service and reduce costs

ICTpost Governance Bureau

The consumer technology model in India is now penetrating, and beginning to transform, the corporation in a significant way. This new IT architecture, which we call the SMAC stack (for social, mobile, analytics and cloud), is enabling the creation of hyper-intelligent software platforms. Indian companies are investing heavily in Social networks, Mobile computing, Analytics and Cloud computing (SMAC) with a vision to drive business growth and combat the changing economic and market structures. In short, the SMAC stack does not represent the next new technology to be bolted onto your existing business model. Instead, these technologies will transform the business model itself.

The Indian IT industry would see substantial growth coming from the disruptive technology platforms in the coming days.

SMAC (social, mobile, analytics and cloud) platform will play a significant role in driving growth of the entire industry. Investments are going to be substantially higher on these technologies.

Such a trend could be attributed to the fact that more and more companies are exploring newer options to attract customers by using social (networking), mobile and other online platforms.

India Inc’s investment consistently surpasses its global counterparts in all aspects of SMAC with 42 percent of Indian companies investing in social media as part of external communications for customers and suppliers (global average 33 percent), 48 percent investment in public cloud applications (global average 24 percent) and 40 percent in adopting mobile technologies for customers (global average 31 percent).

Mobility and Big Data

Mobility for employees and harnessing Big Data are also areas of strong investment for the Indian companies. Companies investing in data mining and analysis technologies as analytics combined with a comprehensive social media strategy will improve customer service and reduce costs.

The impact of this new technology stack on the corporation is currently being under-hyped. In the same manner that steam power, steel and electricity provided the platform for the industrial corporate model, the SMAC stack is providing the foundation for the knowledge corporate
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