India’s unique challenges: An opportunity to innovate

India’s unique challenges: An opportunity to innovate

Guruprasad S., General Manager, Healthcare Practise,?Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions

India’s unique challenges: An opportunity to innovate?

Affordable Healthcare 1,287,372,705 People

Urban  Rural inequity in HC access

5480 Towns/Cities; 638,000 Villages

Doctors: 8,88,741 urban / 29,562 rural

High Out of Pocket HC Spend

Estimated at >75% of total

Sector Growth forecasts till 2020

15-17% CAGR…

reach 6-7% of GDP…

size of INR 18,00,000 Crore…

Current Role of mHealth in Healthcare Delivery


Reduces Cost of Care

Enables Continuous Care

Complements Existing Infrastructure


Fundamental healthcare access to the masses

Provides Last Mile Connectivity to deliver acute and primary care

Affordable care extending existing infrastructure

How can access be improved?

Transformational Care

Connect, Enable & Communicate

Multiple Care paths enabled by Technology

Internet of Things

How can affordability be improved?

Smart, Connected diagnostics

Preventive Care & Wellness

How can quality be improved?

Uniform Standards

Connected Care devices

Personalised Care

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