How to combat mobile radiation menace

How to combat mobile radiation menace

ICTpost Governance Bureau

Nature has given us everything to live in this world in abundance. However, our greed for more and the technology and innovations have changed the way we live and communicate. Yet, it is also a fact that every technology along with it also brings some side affects for which adequate precautions are required to be taken. One of the common laws of any technology or innovation is that scale matters i.e. the bigger the technological solution, the greater the chance of extensive, unforeseen side effects. The speed also matters i.e. the greater the rapidity of human-induced changes, the more likely they are to destabilise the complex systems of nature.

Similar to the ‘global warming’, a big threat hovering around? is the threat from electromagnetic radiations emitted from various electrical and electronic devices at homes and offices, mobile phones and various other ubiquitous wireless gadgets, cell phone towers emitting high intensity radiation along with any overhead power lines running through residential/office areas. The world understands how hazardous these radiations can be to humans and a large number of scientists and researchers are engaged in various studies coming out of their findings every now and then, pointing towards the hazardous affects on health due to radiations from various sources.


We all know the affects of radiations. In earlier times, the radio and wireless stations were be put up away from residential places. The experience of ear getting hot while using cell phone is quite common. Doctors use lead coat of about 45 Kg weight while exposed to X rays. The radiations affect the man, machine and nature as well. Some other examples are:

In airplanes, passengers are advised to keep mobile phones in switch off mode to avoid such radiations interfering with the sensitive operating machinery of the aircraft.

At Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), there have been cases when small rockets took off due to such radiations’ interference with the operations of the rocket launching system.

People with pacemakers are advised not to carry mobile phones as the radiations emitted from mobile can interfere with the functioning of pacemaker. Mobile phones not permitted in ICUs in hospitals .

There have been recorded cases of birth disorders and untimely abortions among microwave oven users due to excessive exposure of pregnant ladies to microwaves.

When a biological object is exposed to Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF), an interaction takes place between the field strength and the electrical current and charges of the body tissue.?The result of the interaction produces biological effect that is not necessarily damage.

Short exposures result in lack of concentration, headaches, stress, loss of memory and vision, sleep disturbances etc.

Long exposure result in infertility, heart attack, cancer, brain tumor, kidney failure etc.

Also reported, some acute and chronic diseases such as Alzheimer, Parkinson and other neuro-degenerative diseases.

Numerous researches are being done world over with substantive results to say the least that radiations do harm the human body with only the quantitative impact to be determined. There is counter view from technology suppliers and equipment producers that Class I evidence does not exist to prove the hazard, the sample size of researches has not been large enough, and that there is no hazard within the provided safe limits.
The answer to above is, that all researches are subject to criticisms like low sample, no established proof or a question mark on the credentials of the researcher. As regards safe levels, are we adhering to it? Is there a mechanism to ensure import or manufacture of only radiation compliant products and installations? Is consumer awareness available to verify the safer limits, if he has doubts?

The issue to be addressed is, do we wait for evidence or lack of it to act or do we wait for a disaster to happen?

Mushrooming of Communication Towers
Another neglected area has been non-existence of any guidelines for installation of towers in every nook and corner of the country. In our endeavour to grow, proper attention is missing for safety associated with towers. Lots of towers in India have been installed on roof tops of weak and unsafe buildings. During construction, hardly anybody has planned for towers on roof tops. It is unexpected that the structure feasibility of all buildings is undertaken before towers are installed. There are cases where more than two or even three towers have been installed at a single location. Towers have also been installed in the congested bye lanes and at non approachable locations. Children can be seen playing near towers or people using it for drying of clothes. Diesel generators, along with diesel are also placed near towers. That also demands adequate protection from the fire safety angle. Towers have also been installed on hospitals, near ICUs and weak temples etc.

Competition, too, is the playing an important role, which forces any body to grow at a faster pace, widest coverage at every place and best service to customers at the cheapest rates. This has naturally lead to hap-hazard installation of high intensity mobile towers in sensitive residential and educational premises. Within India there are several cases pending in various courts in relation to the hazardous nature of radiations from towers. In some cases, the courts/government have also provided some type of ban or restrictions in this regard.

Safe Guidelines Available World Over

Numerous efforts have been made to provide precautions and preventive measures against hazards from radiations. World organisations like the United Nations, World Health Organisation, International Telecommunication Union, International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) have formulated some guidelines. The cause of concern has been that most developing countries do not put emphasis on formulating or adopting the guidelines. When guidelines are formulated, there is hardly any mechanism to test and verify if the equipments meet the parameters or not.

The concern can grow bigger, especially when we take the views of our former President and well known Nuclear Scientist Dr Abdul Kalam’s views into consideration:

Increased use of radio frequencies because of ever increasing number of mobile phones and expansion of mobile communication networks have brought in new problems and concerns.

The situation is also getting complicated because of alarming increase in other wireless devices and systems. WiFi, WIMAX, Bluetooth, WIL and Cordless phones are also competing for appropriate allocation of frequency bands.

In addition to creating mutual electromagnetic interference, these are causing excessive electromagnetic pollution and electromagnetic radiation hazards.

In the recent times, overwhelming increase in the number of mobile phones and number of service providers competing with each other, have created such a situation that we see cell phone towers everywhere; even on residential buildings, schools, hostels and hospitals. These towers are radiating high power radio waves, continuously exposing children, senior citizens and people needing health-care to harmful electromagnetic radiations.

These towers should be located away from residential and other such vulnerable areas and should use minimum essential radio power.

The Answer

Can we stop technology? No way! Nor can it be said that do not use modern technologies. Yet, there is enough scope for public awareness on the topic and also laying down suitable guidelines and mechanism to enforce or verify it. Fortunately, world over and within India, enough technologies are available, which can provide radiation safety to any product, equipment or installations. India is not only providing end to end solutions within the country but is also exporting these solutions world wide. We all should urge the respective governments and public bodies to come forward and work cohesively to combat this radiation menace.

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