Signals used to beat Storms

ICTpost News Network The commuters rely on GPS technology to get themselves where they need to go in the shortest amount of time. During massive storms, these GPS signals can be mangled by storm conditions. Now, scientists have figured out how to measure wind speeds based on these disruptions, according to a new study in […]

Using Social Media to Save Energy

ICTpost Energy Bureau Today, people under 25 make up 43 percent of the world’s population in some countries, that number is as high as 70 percent. This amounts to nearly 4 billion young people living on the brink of the greatest technological advances and human progress while also surrounded by intractable public health epidemics, record […]

Mobile government is not a replacement to e-Government but complementary to it

ICTpost Governance Bureau Mobile phones, can reach those areas where the infrastructure necessary for Internet services or wired phone services is difficult to setup. In the developing countries mobile government applications may become a key method for reaching citizens in far and wide areas and promoting exchange of communications. In such countries with insufficient conventional […]

Ensuring Safe Environment through Mobile phones in India

By ICTpost Media Action Bureau Mobile phone and web applications that enable people to talk to local policymakers and allow children to learn through games have won a competition for technological innovations that address sanitation problems in developing countries. One in three people today have no toilet and the global economic losses due to lack […]

Community Radio in India: The Cradle of Information Technology

ICTpost Media Action Community radio acts as a vehicle for the community and voluntary sector, civil society, agencies, NGOs and citizens to work in partnership to further community development aims, in addition to broadcasting. There is legally defined community radio (as a distinct broadcasting sector) in many countries, such as France, Argentina, South Africa, Australia […]

Healthcare Tech is helping tackle Coronavirus

Healthcare Tech is helping tackle Coronavirus

By Craig Guillot Robots Lend a Helping Hand With Patient Care In late January, physicians at Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett, Wash., used a robot to take an infected man’s vitals with a stethoscope and to communicate via a built-in screen. The remote-controlled telehealth cart allows physicians to perform basic diagnostic functions, such as taking blood […]

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