ICTpost News Network In the recent years, India shifted from a carbon subsidization regime to one of significant carbon taxation regime, from a negative price to an implicit positive price on carbon emissions. Renewable Energy Investments: India has made significant strides in promoting renewable energy. The country has set ambitious targets for the expansion of […]
New Delhi: August 30, 2021 Over one third of India’s rural population lacked electricity, as did 6% of the urban population. Of those who did have access to electricity in India, the supply is intermittent and unreliable. India currently suffers from a major shortage of electricity generation capacity, even though it is the world’s fourth […]
The smart grid, characterized by its advanced digital technologies and connectivity, aims to improve the efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of electrical power systems. While connectivity is crucial for the smart grid’s functionality, ensuring the security of the interconnected components is equally important. Here’s a more detailed look at how the smart grid achieves connectivity with […]
By P Umashankar, IAS One might wonder what Smart Grids can do for India, where the per capita consumption is below 1,000 kWh per annum. Although Indian Smart Grid may look quite different from an American or European Smart Grid, but its value and impact are no less. Smart Grids are an important option for […]
ICTpost Energy Bureau Over the next three decades, world energy consumption is projected to increase by 56 percent, driven by growth in the developing world, according to the report International Energy Outlook released by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). Rising prosperity in China and India is a major factor in the outlook for global […]
By International Energy Agency-IEA In light of the extraordinary impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and resulting lockdown measures on the energy system, the IEA published the electricity data. This report includes data through the end of 2020. In India, the recovery of electricity demand was confirmed with higher levels than in 2019 starting in early […]
ICTpost Energy Bureau ICTpost estimates that mobile communications currently represents about 18% of the global ICT sector impact though this could grow to 25% by 2025 through the continued growth in subscribers. This numbers should also be seen in the context of GDP contribution. About 80% of a mobile operators’ energy is used by the […]
16 March, 2021: New Delhi The demand of power in India is enormous and is growing steadily. The vast Indian power market, today offers one of the highest growth opportunities for private developers.Growth of Power Sector infrastructure in India since its Independence has been noteworthy making India the third largest producer of electricity in Asia. […]
ICTpost Energy Bureau In the age of innovation , the green theme is throwing up a broad and bewildering array of new companies ; many promising clean-energy start-ups are hitting the market with products and services that could radically alter how we think of, and consume, power. Billions of $s of Venture and government support […]
ICTpost News Network A study from the University of Victoria is suggesting that our atmosphere is far more susceptible to a runaway greenhouse effect than previously assumed. The phenomenon occurs when a planet absorbs more solar energy than it can give off in return. That causes surface water to evaporate, fill the atmosphere with steam, […]