ICTpost Education Bureau A cursory glance at the school ICT programmes There is no single or universal formula when it comes to applying ICT in education nor a piece of advice that can be directly applied without considering each country’s priorities, long term budgetary prospects and commitment. Crafting a new future for, and with, the […]
ICTpost Education Bureau How to define e-Learning: The convergence of the Internet and Learning, or Internet-enabled learning?; The use of network technologies to create, foster, deliver and facilitate learning, anytime and anywhere; The delivery of individualised, comprehensive, dynamic learning content in real time, aiding the development of communities of knowledge, linking learners and practitioners with […]
ICTpost Education Bureau Technology is a useful tool to improve the quality and the efficiency of literacy provision. It helps create learning environments ideally suited to the needs and interests of previously unreached populations and offers new learning opportunities. It stimulates learners to be more creative and innovative. Experience with the use of computers and […]
ICTpost Education Bureau The curricular context of ICT integration is implicit in the policy statements in many countries, which is reflected in statements like, ICT should be part of students’ everyday learning (Iceland), application of ICT in the whole learning process (Lithuania), and use of ICT in essential learning areas to enhance learning (New Zealand). […]
ICTpost News Network Judging by the neatly stacked books in this room for 6th-standard students, it is hard to imagine that until recently these children’s families spent their lives hunting and poaching in the jungles, and never went to school. At this boys’ hostel for 75 students in Panna district, Madhya Pradesh, children from the […]
ICTpost Education Bureau Global competition demands transforming current education. With the global economic climate getting more competitive, the? demand for a skilled workforce is increasing, and new technology tools play an increasing role in learning. In addition, there are? increased requirements for technology and media literacy, effective communication collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving. We […]
ICTpost Media Action Bureau Thousands of children of Indian migrant workers are missing out on school education. Children of slums and of migrant workers suffer the maximum in the most affluent and expanding commercial and high tech cities of India. Parents have no means to educate their children and care for them. Children take to […]
New Delhi: July 24, 2020 IT spending in India will total $83.5 billion, a decline of 8.1% in 2020, according to the latest forecast by Gartner, Inc. This is the first decline in IT spending experienced in India in the last five years. “The fear of a global economic recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic […]
ICTpost Education Bureau Smart-phone use is nearly ubiquitous among young adults. About 32 percent of the users of smart-phones in India tend to make their purchases using the device, according to a recent study. ?For shopping, 32 percent would like to pick their smart-phones and 23 percent chose the laptop or desktops as the next […]
ICTpost Education Bureau Productivity growth in IT-producing industries has steadily risen in importance, generating a relentless decline in the prices of IT equipment and?software. This decline in IT prices is rooted in developments in technology that are widely understood by technologists and economists. Technological innovation, long a hallmark of academic research, may now be changing […]