Rural entrepreneur scripts success story through organic farming in Haryana

ICTpost Media Action

Due to efforts of CSC VLE, impact of organic farming in Lukhi vilage was noticed in increased rearing capacity of yield

Last year, the Malwa region in Punjab was dubbed as the ‘cancer belt’ of India. The unusually high incidence of cancer cases has been linked to the excessive use of pesticides by cotton farmers. In its fifth National Report on Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought published in 2015, the government has conceded that land degradation is a major environmental concern for the country. It reveals that one-third of India’s soil is degraded while 25 percent land is facing desertification which has affected its productivity and food security of millions across the country.

The solution is obvious: build a sustainable agribusiness. CSC VLE Anil Tanwar from Lukhi village, Haryana has come forward to show us the way. Science Graduate Anil started CSC journey in year 2010 and delivering services like: PMGDISHA, Banking, Healthcare, and other B2C and G2C services.

According to VLE Anil, a progressive farmer and owner of high-tech horticulture farm, organic farming helps to increase the yield and nutritive value. In his farm at Lukhi he has raised crops using Liquid Organic Fertilizers. He found that the yield and quality of the crops were excellent.

Liquid Organic Fertilizers are suspensions having agriculturally useful microorganisms, which fix atmospheric nitrogen and solubilize insoluble phosphates and make it available for the plant. It reduces the use of chemical fertilizer by 15-40%, has long shelf life, and it’s easy to produce and apply. Also it helps to produce and manage organic crops so as to compete in the global market.

“I’ve always believed that organic farming has great scope but there’s a common notion that it does not offer high yield. Sikkim has transformed into an organic state and set an example. Why can’t we? The use of pesticides and fertilizers increases the farmer’s and the land’s dependency on such chemicals and before you know it, you’re ?are caught in a vicious circle,” he says.

VLE is conducting surveys in the village till it could be declared as a chemical free village and farmers economically empowered

Impact of organic farming in Lukhi vilage was noticed in increased rearing capacity of yield: Grains at 10-30%, Vegetables at 15-50%, Fruits at 15-40%. VLE?s initiatives have generated direct and indirect employment opportunities to villagers in Thanesar region of Haryana.

The VLE moved from door to door to motivate the farmers to join with him. As an extension activity, he recommends right doses of Liquid Organic Fertilizers so that the farmers can grow their crop profitably and in a sustainable manner. He mobilized almost 100 farmers in Kurukshetra (HARYANA).

The VLE is still conducting surveys in the village till it could be declared as a chemical free village and farmers economically empowered.

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