Digi Gaon – A new opportunity for the CSC

Dr. Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, CEO-CSC SPV

By Dr. Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, CEO-CSC SPV

With the success of the CSC initiative in promoting various Government programs and schemes , a new opportunity has been assigned to the CSC VLE , implementing Digi Gaon Scheme.

The Digital Village scheme was announced in the Budget of Year 2015-2016. The Government attempted to get the scheme designed through consultant who took an undue long time in formulating the scheme . Initially it was proposed to get the scheme implemented through the traditional method : State District  block; however this took undue long time to get crystalised . In the mean time CSC SPV with the support of CSC VLE implemented Digi gaon in five location as a pilot . The enthusiasm by the CSC VLE in enabling the implementation within a very short time was noteworthy . One of the Digi Gaon in Danohri Kalon was inaugurated by Hon Minister Sh Ravi Shankar Prasad , Minister electronic and IT . Secretary Meity .

Entire village will be wifi enabled so that every citizen can access good quality internet at affordable prices and get information , knowledge and skills

It was the success of the pilot that Government finally decided to get the Digital village scheme implemented through the CSC VLE . During this year 700 digital village are to be implemented one in every district . With the support of the CSC VLE we shall be able to complete all the digital village within the defined time frame By March 2019 .

Digital village focus on empowering digitally the entire village community. All the eligible person in the village to be made digitally literate  some enabled to do higher course and creating a facility where every person in the village can avail almost all kinds of educational services including preparation for completive exam or jobs  Digital Teacher. Similarly Digital Doctor will help in extending telemedicine, diagnostic and medicine dispensing . A villager can speak to doctors for allopathy , Aryuvedic and Homeopathic consult .

The Digital village will also enable a financially inclusive society  Digital Banker. This will provide banking , insurance and pension scheme at the doorstep.

In addition the entire village will be wifi enabled so that every citizen can access good quality internet at affordable prices and get information , knowledge and skills so as to actively participate in nation building .Digital Village will also promote skill programs as LED assembling unit , paper bag making , candle making and others which can be locally made commercially viable . These units will provide employment to 10- 15 person in the village . Technical training for maintenance of Optical fiber , GPON and wi-fi access point will be provided to local youth . Digital village will truly transform the village economy and reduce the digital divide. CSC will fulfill its objective of being Change Agent and building a sustainable social enterprise .

In view of the success of DigiGaon, as acceptability amongst the local community, Government of India in Budget speech of FM for Financial Year 2019-20, has announced setting up of one lakh digital villages across the country through CSCs. That will make all CSCs in villages a transformative enterprise, thus building a new nation. editor@ictpost.com

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