The Smart Grid: Connectivity with Security

The Smart Grid: Connectivity with Security

The smart grid, characterized by its advanced digital technologies and connectivity, aims to improve the efficiency, reliability, and sustainability of electrical power systems. While connectivity is crucial for the smart grid’s functionality, ensuring the security of the interconnected components is equally important. Here’s a more detailed look at how the smart grid achieves connectivity with […]

mHealth provides access information that assists in reducing health risk factors

mHealth provides access information that assists in reducing health risk factors

ICTpost mHealth Bureau In spite of the advancements in medical technologies and a general increase in income levels, healthcare continues to pose challenges of affordability, complexity and access across the world. In developed markets, per capita healthcare expenditures have risen faster than both income levels and inflation rates over the past decade due to rising […]

ICT initiatives in India to combat COVID-19

ICT initiatives in India to combat COVID-19

By Nirupam Bajpai, John Biberman and Manisha Wadhwa (Centre for Sustainable Development) Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has emerged as one of the key players in fighting the COVID-19 situation in India. The unprecedented crisis due to COVID-19 has accelerated the process of digitalization of many services and businesses including healthcare services, education, online delivery […]

Covid-19 impact on electricity

Covid-19 impact on electricity

By International Energy Agency-IEA In light of the extraordinary impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and resulting lockdown measures on the energy system, the IEA published the electricity data. This report includes data through the end of 2020. In India, the recovery of electricity demand was confirmed with higher levels than in 2019 starting in early […]

Mobile viruses are maturing in the same life cycle as personal computer viruses

Mobile viruses are maturing in the same life cycle as personal computer viruses

ICTpost Governance Bureau Mobile phones is no more a luxury item, it has become a necessity. Look around and we see almost everyone carrying a mobile phone today. These all-in-one device acts as our bill payment gateway, storing valuable information, checking emails and also serves as an interface with our banks. However, these benefits do […]

Internet malware turns 33: What have we learned?

Internet malware turns 33: What have we learned?

ICTpost Governance Bureau 33 years ago, on November 2, 1988, much of the Internet – still very small at the time – crashed. The cause was an immature experiment, turned Frankenstein monster, instigated by a graduate student at Cornell named Robert Morris. The Morris worm or Internet worm of November 2, 1988 is considered the […]

Wireless spectrum: What it is, and why India should care

Wireless spectrum: What it is, and why India should care

Dr. Mahesh Uppal, Director – Com First As we increasingly rely on mobile connectivity, demand for wireless spectrum capacity is growing daily. With limited spectrum in use to expand wireless capacity, policymakers must move quickly and responsibly to make more spectrum available to keep pace with the demands of consumers and our economy and enable […]