Digital revolution in India opportunity for US firms

PTI ?Boston (US) ? ? Last Updated: February 7, 2016 ? Asserting that India is sitting on the cusp of a digital revolution, Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad has exhorted senior executives of leading American IT firms to take advantage of the ‘Digital India’ initiative and tap the growth opportunities in the country. “India is […]

China domain “.cn” becomes world’s largest

BEIJING, Jan. 9 (Xinhua) — China’s country code domain “.cn” is now the world’s most commonly used. It had 16.36 million users by the end of last year, topping Germany’s “.de,” according to data released on Friday by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), which manages the domain. The .cn domain is also world […]

Soil Health Card : A tool for Agri revolution

By Nirendra Dev Deteriorating soil health has been a cause of concern and that has been leading to sub optimal utilization of farming resources. Imbalanced use of fertilisers, low addition of organic matter and non-replacement of depleted micro and secondary nutrients over the years, has resulted in nutrient deficiencies and decrease in soil fertility in […]

Digital technologies are the backbone for RTI

ICTpost Governance Bureau As natural resources and readily available, easily transformable energy were the raw materials out of which the Industrial Revolution was forged, so Information and Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) are the raw materials out of which the Information Revolution is being forged. And just as the Industrial Revolution was transformative of all […]

With the emergence of Internet of Things, energy harvesting will be a critical component for electrification

Mumbai: November 1, 2015? In response to growing demands from customers, partners and consumers, many organizations are moving beyond corporate social responsibility as a philanthropic activity, according to Gartner, Inc. They are integrating green- and sustainability-related initiatives into their core business operations. ?Green IT is moving beyond the environmental characteristics of IT equipment, allowing organizations […]

Invest in Big Data technologies

New Delhi: October 14, 2015 Many organizations do not manage customer data as a corporate asset, and the monetary value of that data is often ignored. “Digital business is having a significant impact on customer data,” said Douglas Laney, vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner. “The growing wealth of information from social media, location […]

Business Intelligence and Analytics leaders must focus on mindsets and culture to kick start advanced analytics

New Delhi: September 17, 2015 Getting started with advanced analytics is as much about changing mindsets and culture as it is about acquiring tools and skills, according to Gartner, Inc. Failure to make these changes can be fatal to success. Gartner predicts that, through 2017, 60 percent of big data projects will fail to go […]

Clock begins to tick as 98 smart cities identified

By Neeraj Bajpai Amid an outcry of poor civic amenities in cities bursting at seams, work on the Smart cities with state of the art facilities– automatic traffic lights, sprawling solar panels dotting neat dwellings, clean green campuses, digitalized working, round the clock vigil through close circuit cameras, has picked up momentum. Visions are coming […]

Every Employee is a Digital Employee

By Christy Pettey The integration of digital requirements into most work processes and growing employee digital dexterity are leading to a world where every employee is a digital employee. “Today’s employees possess a greater degree of digital dexterity,” said Matt Cain, research vice president at Gartner. “They operate their own wireless networks at home, attach […]